Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Suggested Stones and Crystals for the Seven Major Chakras
Root Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Root chakra tend to be black, brown or red in color. Some examples are: Onyx, obsidian, jet, black tourmaline and red calcite.
Sacral Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Sacral Chakra tend to be red or orange in color. Some examples are: Carnelian, orange calcite, citrine and moonstone.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Solar Plexus Chakra tend to be yellow. Some examples are: Citrine, sunstone, jasper, golden topaz and yellow calcite.
Heart Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Heart Chakra tend to be green or pink in color. Some examples are: Jade, rose quartz, green calcite, malachite and emerald.
Throat Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Throat Chakra tend to be blue in color. Some examples are: Lapiz Lazuli, blue opal and chrysocola.
Third Eye Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Third Eye Chakra tend to be indigo in color. Some examples are: Purple flourite, sugalite, amethyst and sodalite.
Crown Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Crown Chakra tend to be purple, white or gold in color. Some examples are: Cactus quartz, amber, diamond, moldavite, snow quartz, chevron and amethyst.
Are there any stones that are helpful for all the Chakras?
Yes. Clear quartz can be used for any Chakra, because it resonates with the bits of quartz that flow through the bloodstream.
Clear quartz can also be programmed to take on the energy of any other stone. If, for example, you have one moldavite stone and you would like to create a triangle above someone’s Crown Chakra, take the moldavite and two quartz crystal points in your hands, cup your hands around them, and with a downward motion, declare, “I program these quartz crystals to have the same energetic properties as this moldavite, for the highest healing possible.” Repeat this phrase and downward motion twice more, and then use the quartz/moldavite combination as you would three pieces of moldavite.
Sacral Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Sacral Chakra tend to be red or orange in color. Some examples are: Carnelian, orange calcite, citrine and moonstone.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Solar Plexus Chakra tend to be yellow. Some examples are: Citrine, sunstone, jasper, golden topaz and yellow calcite.
Heart Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Heart Chakra tend to be green or pink in color. Some examples are: Jade, rose quartz, green calcite, malachite and emerald.
Throat Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Throat Chakra tend to be blue in color. Some examples are: Lapiz Lazuli, blue opal and chrysocola.
Third Eye Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Third Eye Chakra tend to be indigo in color. Some examples are: Purple flourite, sugalite, amethyst and sodalite.
Crown Chakra: Stones that are helpful for the Crown Chakra tend to be purple, white or gold in color. Some examples are: Cactus quartz, amber, diamond, moldavite, snow quartz, chevron and amethyst.
Are there any stones that are helpful for all the Chakras?
Yes. Clear quartz can be used for any Chakra, because it resonates with the bits of quartz that flow through the bloodstream.
Clear quartz can also be programmed to take on the energy of any other stone. If, for example, you have one moldavite stone and you would like to create a triangle above someone’s Crown Chakra, take the moldavite and two quartz crystal points in your hands, cup your hands around them, and with a downward motion, declare, “I program these quartz crystals to have the same energetic properties as this moldavite, for the highest healing possible.” Repeat this phrase and downward motion twice more, and then use the quartz/moldavite combination as you would three pieces of moldavite.
Crystals & Reiki
Reiki and Crystals: A Great Combination!
You’ve probably heard of Reiki, the ancient hands-on energetic practice that has been proven by clinical study to reduce swelling, calm the nervous system, speed recovery time after surgery and reduce pain.
As a Reiki Master Teacher, I first learned the Usui method of sharing Reiki. But I soon learned that there are many kinds of Reiki, many other ways in which this wonderful, relaxing therapy can be helpful.
As a supportive therapy, Reiki can be combined with many other modalities, including tuning forks, meditation, counseling, yoga and crystals.
I’ve successfully combined the therapeutic benefits of Reiki with many other modalities. Today I would like to discuss the importance o fusing crystals in Reiki sessions. Crystal Reiki adds the energy of specific stones to Reiki sessions.
But why add crystal energy to Reiki? Isn’t Reiki channeled Life-force energy from the Universe? And as such, does anything really need to be added to it?
Adding crystals to Reiki sessions can be helpful because we are human and as physical human beings, our bodies resonate with other physical aspects of our world. So, adding obsidian, for example to a session where a person feels ungrounded, can give an extra measure of support, communicating to the cells that yes, they are in a safe place, and yes, they can relax to the point where the natural healing processes contained in the cells can activate.
You’ve probably heard of Reiki, the ancient hands-on energetic practice that has been proven by clinical study to reduce swelling, calm the nervous system, speed recovery time after surgery and reduce pain.
As a Reiki Master Teacher, I first learned the Usui method of sharing Reiki. But I soon learned that there are many kinds of Reiki, many other ways in which this wonderful, relaxing therapy can be helpful.
As a supportive therapy, Reiki can be combined with many other modalities, including tuning forks, meditation, counseling, yoga and crystals.
I’ve successfully combined the therapeutic benefits of Reiki with many other modalities. Today I would like to discuss the importance o fusing crystals in Reiki sessions. Crystal Reiki adds the energy of specific stones to Reiki sessions.
But why add crystal energy to Reiki? Isn’t Reiki channeled Life-force energy from the Universe? And as such, does anything really need to be added to it?
Adding crystals to Reiki sessions can be helpful because we are human and as physical human beings, our bodies resonate with other physical aspects of our world. So, adding obsidian, for example to a session where a person feels ungrounded, can give an extra measure of support, communicating to the cells that yes, they are in a safe place, and yes, they can relax to the point where the natural healing processes contained in the cells can activate.
But there are so many kinds of stones out there. Is there a simple way to organize them so that they can be used?
One way to organize stones is by the major Chakras. I have a seven-layer shelf where I keep stones that are helpful for each of the seven major Chakras. Or you could use seven bowls or dividers in drawers, to organize your crystals and stones.
So, how to know which stones are beneficial for which Chakras? I’ve shared some basic guidelines below to help you begin to organize your stones and crystals to balance the seven main Chakras.
The more you use stones and crystals, the more individualistic you will see that they are. I was told, for example, that my Sacral Chakra had a lot of turquoise in it. Normally, turquoise is used on the Throat Chakra, but in my case, its energy has been beneficial for my Sacral Chakra.
This is a good guideline to remember if you are moved to use a stone or crystal at a Reiki gathering where others who use crystals might question the usage. Remind them that each energy signature is unique and that the crystals generally used as, say, Root Chakra crystals can also be used on other parts of the body.
The energy of the stone and the energetic needs of the body are the most important aspects of choosing stones and crystals to add to Reiki sessions.
One way to organize stones is by the major Chakras. I have a seven-layer shelf where I keep stones that are helpful for each of the seven major Chakras. Or you could use seven bowls or dividers in drawers, to organize your crystals and stones.
So, how to know which stones are beneficial for which Chakras? I’ve shared some basic guidelines below to help you begin to organize your stones and crystals to balance the seven main Chakras.
The more you use stones and crystals, the more individualistic you will see that they are. I was told, for example, that my Sacral Chakra had a lot of turquoise in it. Normally, turquoise is used on the Throat Chakra, but in my case, its energy has been beneficial for my Sacral Chakra.
This is a good guideline to remember if you are moved to use a stone or crystal at a Reiki gathering where others who use crystals might question the usage. Remind them that each energy signature is unique and that the crystals generally used as, say, Root Chakra crystals can also be used on other parts of the body.
The energy of the stone and the energetic needs of the body are the most important aspects of choosing stones and crystals to add to Reiki sessions.
Reiki and Chakras
Reiki and the Chakras
The standard hand placements of Reiki healing target the seven major chakras, which are often rendered dysfunctional and discolored – even completely closed – by problems of the mind, body or spirit. Keeping these gateways properly functioning is vitally important to our health, because disruptions in energy flow lead to illness.
Reiki treatments clear the chakras of negative energy and blockages, restoring the harmonious flow of life-force energy.
Energy flows both into and out of the aura through the chakras. The aura – the colorful, luminous body of energy enveloping and pervading each of us – is composed of at least seven layers, each of which deals with different aspects of our being (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual). The major chakras extend cone-like from the core of the spine through all of these layers.
Biological Correspondence
In the physical body, the position of each of the major chakras corresponds with an endocrine gland controlling hormonal balance and a major nerve plexus.
In ascending order, these chakras are located at the base of the spine (root chakra), between the genitals and naval (sacral chakra), a couple of inches above the naval (solar plexus chakra), the center of the chest (heart chakra), middle of the neck (throat chakra), just above the brow area (third-eye chakra), and top of the head (crown chakra).
The body's many minor chakras (there are at least 122) include pairs behind the eyes, near the ears, behind the knees, and on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. Anywhere there is a joint, there is a chakra, so the hands contain many energy centers.
The palm chakras are the ones through which Reiki healing energy is directed. Once a master teacher attunes you to the source of Reiki, intention is all that is required for you to channel this energy. It flows into your body through your crown and heart chakras and out through your palm chakras to wherever you direct it (to specific parts of your body or to others).
Each major chakra on the front of the body is paired with its counterpart on the back. Together they are considered to be the front and rear aspect of one chakra. The root and crown chakras can be considered paired because they are the open-ended points of the body’s main power current, which runs up and down the spine and into which all of the chakras point (see the diagrams below).
The seven major chakras are associated with specific aspects of our consciousness. Here are their chief characteristics and functions:
1. Root chakra (associated color: red; related parts of the body: adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal column, leg bones)
The root chakra grounds us in physical existence (our bodies and the material world). Balanced root chakras result in a healthy desire for the basics of life (food, warmth, shelter, etc.) When this chakra is imbalanced, we may be afraid of life, withdraw from physical reality, feel victimized, operate in a highly selfish mode, or be prone to violence. Dysfunction of this chakra also can lead to problems of the feet, legs and lower back.
2. Sacral chakra (associated color: orange; related parts of the body: gonads, prostrate gland, reproductive system, spleen, bladder)
When properly functioning, this chakra fuels our emotions, creativity and sexuality. We feel vital and spontaneous, ready to seize the moment. Imbalance of this chakra can result in over-indulgence in sex or food, sexual or reproductive disorders, and feelings of jealousy and confusion.
3. Solar plexus chakra (associated color: yellow; related parts of the body: pancreas, liver, digestive tract, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system)
Strongly associated with intellect, the solar plexus chakra is also the seat of our personal power. When this chakra is open and balanced, its energy helps us transform our hopes and aspirations (especially material ones) into reality. We feel self-confident and have a clear sense of purpose. Dysfunction of this chakra can result in insecurity about physical and financial matters and the need to dominate others. Physical problems associated with its imbalance often include digestive disorders.
4. Heart chakra (associated color: green (secondary color: pink); related parts of the body: thymus gland, heart, lower lungs, circulatory system, skin, hands)
Acting as the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, the heart chakra is the center of love and emotional well being. When this chakra is functioning optimally, our ability to give and receive unconditional love is well developed. We are compassionate. Dysfunction of this chakra often results in feelings of sadness, fear and anger and can lead to heart disease.
5. Throat chakra (associated color: sky blue; related parts of the body: thyroid gland, throat and jaw areas, lungs, vocal cords, digestive tract)
The throat chakra governs communication and mental creativity. When this chakra is at its best, we speak and listen in the spirit of truth and constructively express anger and other emotions. Energizing this chakra can improve our psychic hearing ability called clairaudience. Naturally, communication suffers when this chakra is blocked. We may overindulge in eating and drinking to keep a non-communicative throat busy and suffer from respiratory diseases, dental disorders, and low self-esteem. Feelings of anger, hostility and resentment also are associated with the imbalance of this chakra.
6. Third-eye chakra (associated color: indigo; related parts of the body: pituitary gland, lower brain, left eye, ears, nose, central nervous system)
An open third-eye chakra is the source of our intuition and clairvoyance (vision beyond ordinary sight) as well as our ability to visualize and manifest. Blockages of this chakra abound, resulting in fear of the imagination, dreams and our "irrational" intuitive insights. Physical symptoms of third-eye imbalance may include persistent headaches (especially in the center of the forehead), insomnia, anxiety and depression.
7. Crown chakra (associated color: violet (also white); related parts of the body: pineal gland, upper brain, right eye)
The crown chakra is our direct connection to spirit. When it is highly developed, we fully understand the "oneness" of universal existence and experience true inner peace. The illusion of separation between ourselves and other beings dissolves. Expansion of the crown chakra enables us to tap into the highest sources of spiritual wisdom and enhance our claircognizance (psychic knowing). Blockages can result in feeling lonely, fearing death, and needing to compare ourselves (often unfavorably) to others.
The standard hand placements of Reiki healing target the seven major chakras, which are often rendered dysfunctional and discolored – even completely closed – by problems of the mind, body or spirit. Keeping these gateways properly functioning is vitally important to our health, because disruptions in energy flow lead to illness.
Reiki treatments clear the chakras of negative energy and blockages, restoring the harmonious flow of life-force energy.
Energy flows both into and out of the aura through the chakras. The aura – the colorful, luminous body of energy enveloping and pervading each of us – is composed of at least seven layers, each of which deals with different aspects of our being (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual). The major chakras extend cone-like from the core of the spine through all of these layers.
Biological Correspondence
In the physical body, the position of each of the major chakras corresponds with an endocrine gland controlling hormonal balance and a major nerve plexus.
In ascending order, these chakras are located at the base of the spine (root chakra), between the genitals and naval (sacral chakra), a couple of inches above the naval (solar plexus chakra), the center of the chest (heart chakra), middle of the neck (throat chakra), just above the brow area (third-eye chakra), and top of the head (crown chakra).
The body's many minor chakras (there are at least 122) include pairs behind the eyes, near the ears, behind the knees, and on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. Anywhere there is a joint, there is a chakra, so the hands contain many energy centers.
The palm chakras are the ones through which Reiki healing energy is directed. Once a master teacher attunes you to the source of Reiki, intention is all that is required for you to channel this energy. It flows into your body through your crown and heart chakras and out through your palm chakras to wherever you direct it (to specific parts of your body or to others).
Each major chakra on the front of the body is paired with its counterpart on the back. Together they are considered to be the front and rear aspect of one chakra. The root and crown chakras can be considered paired because they are the open-ended points of the body’s main power current, which runs up and down the spine and into which all of the chakras point (see the diagrams below).
The seven major chakras are associated with specific aspects of our consciousness. Here are their chief characteristics and functions:
1. Root chakra (associated color: red; related parts of the body: adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal column, leg bones)
The root chakra grounds us in physical existence (our bodies and the material world). Balanced root chakras result in a healthy desire for the basics of life (food, warmth, shelter, etc.) When this chakra is imbalanced, we may be afraid of life, withdraw from physical reality, feel victimized, operate in a highly selfish mode, or be prone to violence. Dysfunction of this chakra also can lead to problems of the feet, legs and lower back.
2. Sacral chakra (associated color: orange; related parts of the body: gonads, prostrate gland, reproductive system, spleen, bladder)
When properly functioning, this chakra fuels our emotions, creativity and sexuality. We feel vital and spontaneous, ready to seize the moment. Imbalance of this chakra can result in over-indulgence in sex or food, sexual or reproductive disorders, and feelings of jealousy and confusion.
3. Solar plexus chakra (associated color: yellow; related parts of the body: pancreas, liver, digestive tract, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system)
Strongly associated with intellect, the solar plexus chakra is also the seat of our personal power. When this chakra is open and balanced, its energy helps us transform our hopes and aspirations (especially material ones) into reality. We feel self-confident and have a clear sense of purpose. Dysfunction of this chakra can result in insecurity about physical and financial matters and the need to dominate others. Physical problems associated with its imbalance often include digestive disorders.
4. Heart chakra (associated color: green (secondary color: pink); related parts of the body: thymus gland, heart, lower lungs, circulatory system, skin, hands)
Acting as the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, the heart chakra is the center of love and emotional well being. When this chakra is functioning optimally, our ability to give and receive unconditional love is well developed. We are compassionate. Dysfunction of this chakra often results in feelings of sadness, fear and anger and can lead to heart disease.
5. Throat chakra (associated color: sky blue; related parts of the body: thyroid gland, throat and jaw areas, lungs, vocal cords, digestive tract)
The throat chakra governs communication and mental creativity. When this chakra is at its best, we speak and listen in the spirit of truth and constructively express anger and other emotions. Energizing this chakra can improve our psychic hearing ability called clairaudience. Naturally, communication suffers when this chakra is blocked. We may overindulge in eating and drinking to keep a non-communicative throat busy and suffer from respiratory diseases, dental disorders, and low self-esteem. Feelings of anger, hostility and resentment also are associated with the imbalance of this chakra.
6. Third-eye chakra (associated color: indigo; related parts of the body: pituitary gland, lower brain, left eye, ears, nose, central nervous system)
An open third-eye chakra is the source of our intuition and clairvoyance (vision beyond ordinary sight) as well as our ability to visualize and manifest. Blockages of this chakra abound, resulting in fear of the imagination, dreams and our "irrational" intuitive insights. Physical symptoms of third-eye imbalance may include persistent headaches (especially in the center of the forehead), insomnia, anxiety and depression.
7. Crown chakra (associated color: violet (also white); related parts of the body: pineal gland, upper brain, right eye)
The crown chakra is our direct connection to spirit. When it is highly developed, we fully understand the "oneness" of universal existence and experience true inner peace. The illusion of separation between ourselves and other beings dissolves. Expansion of the crown chakra enables us to tap into the highest sources of spiritual wisdom and enhance our claircognizance (psychic knowing). Blockages can result in feeling lonely, fearing death, and needing to compare ourselves (often unfavorably) to others.
The Reiki Distance Healing symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
The Reiki Distance Healing symbol –
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
(Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: "Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen")
The symbol has a general meaning of: "No past, no present, no future" or it can have the meaning of "The
Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you".
Distance symbol can, as its name implies, be used to send energies over
a distance. Time and distance is no problem when using this Reiki
symbol. Many practitioners
consider Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen as the most
useful and powerful symbol. The use of the symbol gives access to the
"Akashic Records", the life records of each soul and can therefore be
used in karmic healing. Trauma and
other experiences from this life, previous
or parallel lives that affect and mirror peoples' behaviors can be
brought to light and released.
doing distance healing be open! Do not focus your efforts on
healing a specific problem like a headache.
Send the Reiki energies without limitation as they will go where they
are best needed. When doing distance healing the energies will work on
the receiver's subtile body, the
Chakras and the Aura, and not as much on the
physical level (i.e. it can take some time before the energies seep
down to the body and eases for instance pain).
person you are sending Reiki to is likely
to feel it happening. If he/she has an open
mind he/she can usually tell what you have done and when you have done
healing does not take nearly as long as a hands-on treatment. You
actually only need a
few minutes to send distance healing. You
can even set up a Reiki distance healing to automatically repeat sending
energies to a person. If you want to do this I recommend that you put a
time limit on the repeat (as it
otherwise might continue forever) and also
to renew and empower the distance healing every other day. Remember it
is your intention that guides what happens!
Some uses:
Further information:
how I do distance healing is not really relevant. If you put 10 Reiki
Masters in a room they would probably all do distance healing in a
different way.
Absentee healing is basically a process of
visualization i.e. imagine or "see" the person you want to send healing
to and do it. You can use a photo if you have one, if not don't worry
about it just send. Sometimes I
send to people I don't really know (like a
name I have received in an e-mail), I only have their name and city. No
problem, it is the intention of sending Reiki to this unknown person
that makes it work. My advice is to
let go of all you doubts, formulate a clear
intention, use the Reiki symbols and send the energies!
The form of the Distance symbols is complex and probably this is the symbol with most variations. It is a
Japanese Kanji and represents the human body incorporating the chakras and the five elements.
he Mental/Emotional symbol – Sei He Ki
The Mental/Emotional symbol – Sei He Ki
(Sei He Ki pronounced as: "Say-Hay-Key")
Sei He Ki has a general meaning of: "God and man become one".
The Mental/Emotional symbol brings together the "brain and the body". It helps people to bring to
the surface and release the mental/emotional causes of their problems.
people (even doctors) are starting to realize that many of our ailments
are based on mental and emotional unbalances that we probably are
not even aware of. The symbol works to focus
and harmonize the subconscious with the physical side.
symbol can be used to help with emotional and mental healing. It
balances the left and right side of
the brain and gives peace and harmony. It is
also very effective on relationship problems. The Sei He Ki symbol can
also be used on diverse problems like nervousness, fear, depression,
anger, sadness etc.
Some uses:
Further informationThe Mental/Emotional symbol, Sei He Ki, has to do with Yin and Yang and the balance between the two sides of the brain.
left part of the symbol represents
Yang and our left side of the brain (logic,
structure and linear thinking etc.) The right side of the symbol
represents Yin and our right side of the brain. (fantasy, feelings,
intuition etc.) When you are facing
another person and draw the symbol the left
side of the symbol, i.e. the Yang part of the symbol ends up on the
receiver's right side of the brain and the Yin part on the left side
thereby helping to balance the two
The Reiki Power symbol - Choku Rei
The Reiki Power symbol - Choku Rei
(Choku Rei is pronounced: "Cho-Koo-Ray")
The general meaning of Choku Rei is: "Place the power of the universe here".The power symbol can be used to increase the power of Reiki. It can also be used for protection. See it as a light switch that has the intention to instantly boost your ability to channel Reiki energy. Draw or visualize the symbol in front of you and you will have instant access to more healing energies. Choku Rei also gives the other symbols more power when they are used together. The symbol can be used any time during a treatment but it is especially effective if it is used in the beginning of a session to empower the Reiki energy or when used at the end of a session to close the session and seal off the Reiki energies. The Reiki Power symbol is, as I have said before, mainly a power switch but you can also assign it further uses. Remember it is always your intention that governs what happens. If you want to add new "functions" to the Power symbol then just have a clear statement and intention of what it is you want the symbol to do and it will do it for you. |
The Reiki Principles
principles were
introduced by Usui Sensei and taught to his
students as their first spiritual teachings and were to be followed and
be a guide in his/her life. By practicing these principles one would
embark on the path of self healing.
"The secret of inviting happiness
The spiritual medicine for all illness
Just for today, do not get angry
Do not worry
Express your thanks
Be diligent in your work, and be kind to others
Do gassho and repeat them in the mind at the beginning and the end of each day.
The spiritual medicine for all illness
Just for today, do not get angry
Do not worry
Express your thanks
Be diligent in your work, and be kind to others
Do gassho and repeat them in the mind at the beginning and the end of each day.
Usui Reiki Ryho - Improve your mind and body
Mikao Usui"
Mikao Usui"
teachings are open for anyone to learn
regardless of religious beliefs, actually no
belief is needed. Personally I do not consider them mandatory with the
use of Reiki. These principles are worth a thought and certainly thay
can be a guide in life.
What does it mean? Here is one possible interpretation:
The secret of inviting happiness This was the receiving of many "Reiju" or empowerments.
The spiritual medicine for all illness Mental, physical and spiritual health.
For today only: Value today! The present is now, life is
not in the future or in the past, there is only now!
Do not anger Realize that anger and other selfish emotions like resentment, hatred, envy are harmful, avoid such
Do not worry Do your best, believe and trust in the universe.
Express your thanks
In this world it is easy to lose ourselves when we forget gratitude for being alive.
Be diligent in your work, and be kind to others
is not important what we do, it is important what we learn from what we
do. "Be kind to others" also means take good care of yourself,
there is no difference between self and
others in a universal dimension.
Do gassho and repeat them in the mind at the
beginning and the end of each day. This practice starts at
the beginning and end of each day by reciting these Principles.
Dr.Mikao Usui

Mikao Usui was the originator of what we today call Reiki. He was born on August 15th 1865 in the village of 'Taniai-mura' in the Yamagata district of Gifu prefecture Kyoto.
Mikao Usui probably came from a wealthy family as at that time only children from wealthy families could get a good education.
As a child he studied in a Tendai Buddhist monastery school entering at an early age. He was also a student of different martial arts. His memorial states that he was a talented hard working student, he liked to read and his knowledge of medicine, psychology, fortune telling and theology of religions around the world, including the Kyoten (Buddhist Bible) was vast. He married and his wife's name was Sadako, they had a son (born 1907) and daughter.
Usui sensei studied and traveled to western countries and China several times, this was encouraged during the Meiji Era and later, to learn and study western ways.
During his life Miako Usui held many different professions such as public servant, office worker, industrialist, reporter, politician's secretary, missionary, supervisor of convicts. He also worked as a private secretary to a politician Shimpei Goto, who was Secretary of the Railroad, Postmaster General and Secretary of the Interior and State.
At some point in his life he became a Tendai Buddhist Monk/Priest (what we in the west call a lay priest). On several occasions he took a form of meditation lasting 21 days. On his memorial it says that at one time this took place on Mount Kurama (Horse Saddle Mountain). This is where he is supposed to have been given the inspiration for his system of healing - Reiki. It is very likely that he incorporated ideas and knowledge about healing from other system, both spiritual and physical, like Chinese Medicine, other Eastern healing systems like Chi Gong, the Japanese equivalent Kiko, acupuncture and others.
Usui found that the healing techniques contained within his spiritul
system worked
well on various ailments. In April 1922 he
opened his first school/clinic in Harajuku Tokyo. Usui had a small
manual which is now translated into English and published by Western
Reiki Master living in Japan,
Frank Arjava Petter, under the title Mikao
Usui's skills as a healer and teacher must have been very good and his
fame spread very quickly throughout Japan. This was a time of great
change in Japan, opening up to the
West and changes both in government and
religion. His teachings became popular among the older people who saw
them as a return to old ideals and spiritual practices.
school/clinic was formed not just
for the spiritual teachings but it was also a
way for people to obtain healing. As people in general at this time in
Japans history were very poor, healing sessions were very cheap or free.
According to Japanese history
articles, healing and other similar
practices at that time would be given for a minimal cost or more likely
for free.
Reiki students seem to have worked with the teacher as a sort of payment (a small monetary fee might also have been involved).
Usui teachings included teaching people how to heal themselves (a very
central point still in Reiki of today). Healing would be given to them,
then they were taught how to heal
themselves. Reiki students seem to have worked with the teacher as a sort of payment (a small monetary fee might also have been involved).
1923 on the 1st of September an earthquake shook Tokyo and Yokohama,
measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale. The epicenter was 50 miles from
Tokyo. Over 140,000 deaths were reported. The
majority were killed in the fires started by
the earthquake. It was the greatest natural disaster in Japanese
history. Mikao Usui and his students started to give healing in the area
and the demand and need for Reiki
was enormous and as a result of his work he
became even more famous.
1925 Usui had become so busy that he had to open a new larger school
outside Tokyo in Nakano. As he traveled widely his senior students would
continue with his work when he was away from
his school/clinic.
Mikao Usui passed away on March 9th 1926 at the age of 62. He is buried
in Saihoji Temple in Suginami-Ku, Tokyo. Later his students
created and erected a large memorial stone
next to his grave describing his life and work. Much of the new
information about Usui Sensei comes from the translation of this
Three levels of teachingsUsui
Sensei's techings were divided into 6 levels, Shoden (4 levels), Okuden
(2 levels) and Shinpi-den. The beginning level student (Shoden) had to
work hard at increasing their
own spirituality before being able to move
on to the Okuden (inner teachings) level. Not many students reached the
next level of Shinpi-den - Mystery/secret teachings. It is reported that he had taught his system of healing to well over 2000 persons, and what we in the West call Reiki Masters (no such title existed in Japan at the time) to 15 - 17 persons.
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