Saturday, September 15, 2012

Crystals & Reiki

Reiki and Crystals: A Great Combination!
You’ve probably heard of Reiki, the ancient hands-on energetic practice that has been proven by clinical study to reduce swelling, calm the nervous system, speed recovery time after surgery and reduce pain.
As a Reiki Master Teacher, I first learned the Usui method of sharing Reiki. But I soon learned that there are many kinds of Reiki, many other ways in which this wonderful, relaxing therapy can be helpful.
As a supportive therapy, Reiki can be combined with many other modalities, including tuning forks, meditation, counseling, yoga and crystals.
I’ve successfully combined the therapeutic benefits of Reiki with many other modalities. Today I would like to discuss the importance o fusing crystals in Reiki sessions. Crystal Reiki adds the energy of specific stones to Reiki sessions.
But why add crystal energy to Reiki?  Isn’t Reiki channeled Life-force energy from the Universe?  And as such, does anything really need to be added to it?
Adding crystals to Reiki sessions can be helpful because we are human and as physical human beings, our bodies resonate with other physical aspects of our world. So, adding obsidian, for example to a session where a person feels ungrounded, can give an extra measure of support, communicating to the cells that yes, they are in a safe place, and yes, they can relax to the point where the natural healing processes contained in the cells can activate.

But there are so many kinds of stones out there. Is there a simple way to organize them so that they can be used?
 One way to organize stones is by the major Chakras. I have a seven-layer shelf where I keep stones that are helpful for each of the seven major Chakras. Or you could use seven bowls or dividers in drawers, to organize your crystals and stones.
So, how to know which stones are beneficial for which Chakras?  I’ve shared some basic guidelines below to help you begin to organize your stones and crystals to balance the seven main Chakras.
The more you use stones and crystals, the more individualistic you will see that they are. I was told, for example, that my Sacral Chakra had a lot of turquoise in it. Normally, turquoise is used on the Throat Chakra, but in my case, its energy has been beneficial for my Sacral Chakra.
This is a good guideline to remember if you are moved to use a stone or crystal at a Reiki gathering where others who use crystals might question the usage. Remind them that each energy signature is unique and that the crystals generally used as, say, Root Chakra crystals can also be used on other parts of the body.
The energy of the stone and the energetic needs of the body are the most important aspects of choosing stones and crystals to add to Reiki sessions.

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